Wedding Bliss-Baby Kiss

Archive for August 2009

White Sequence Flip Flops

White Sequence Flip Flops


When the brides and her bridesmaids begin the party in celebration into wedding bliss,  typically they dance during most of the wedding reception.  Many of them now are seeking out more comfortable aternative bridal shoes that are stylish but yet comfortable throughout their night of celebrations. Flip flops have becoming more popular as now the beach style shoes are being designed for the bride and the bridal party in mind that have the comfort but yet are very elegantly styled. These wedding flip flops are  adorned with sequences,  crystal rhinestone or flower accents creating a trendy alternative to wedding shoes during the wedding reception. With colors in white, ivory, black for the more common colors, these fashionable wedding flip flops coordinate well with their wedding attire as well. Many of these flip flops  have platform wedges of 3-4 inches so their dresses won’t drag on the floor making them that much more irristable.  And just think, after the wedding event, these comfortable shoes can be worn over and over again, even at the honeymoon destination, for a night out on the town or even a shopping day.  Today, the brides are thinking about comfort, elegance  and style and the flip flops are beginning to top the charts for all three!

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